Aspects of our schools Excellence
Making a generation who could memorizes and understands Al Quran, can apply Alquran in daily life and has the spirit of applaying the value in Al Quran
To create muslim generation who has noble character so that he/she can achieve success in this world and hereafter world
Our Students will learn to use English both written in oral in their learning
Education is designed to be sustained from Preprimary until Secondary School
Aspects of Facility Excellence
In NIBIIS/INISS there are bio lab that supports science learning & ICT lab to support children in the IT field
Playground with a modern setting makes children more comfortable and safe in playing & large fields with adequate sports facilities
all full-air conditioned classrooms make children more comfortable in learning
Quote Hadist Shahih
"Siapa yang menempuh jalan untuk mencari ilmu, maka Allah akan mudahkan baginya jalan menuju surga "
(HR. Muslim, no. 2699)
"Kami mempelajari masalah adab itu selama 30 tahun sedangkan kami mempelajari ilmu selama 20 tahun."
Abdullah Ibnul Mubarok -rahimahullah-