
Scholarship (Beasiswa)

INISS , The scholarship Program for grade 7 and 10

The scholarship scheme is exclusive / exclude of:

  1. Personal expenses in daily  (meal, transportation, stationery, etc)
  2. Student’s outing / Field trip / Overseas excursions (optional activities)
  3. Extracurricular activities & accessories (uniform, trips, etc)
  4. Other learning material (laptop etc, books )


The applicants must:

  • be of Indonesian citizen
  • be at the age of 12 to 15 years old on 1st July in the current academic year
  • have graduated from Middle school in the current academic year
  • Pass the INISS Al-Qur’an test
  • have report scores of minimum 8 (out of 10) for Mathematics, English, Bahasa Indonesia,in Primary school and lower primary/ middle  School.

Document Requirement

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Copy of Primary / Middle School Report
  3. Application Form
  4. Letter of Reference
  5. Other Supporting Certificate (Competition, Awards etc)

Application Process

  1. Application: 1st  February –  30th March
  2. Administrative Paper Selection: 1st  Week of April
  3. Written and Interview : 2nd  week of April
  4. Home Visit: 3rd  week of April
  5. Announcement and Scholarship Contract Offering: 4th  week of April
  6. Contract Signing: 1st week of May

Mailing Address

The Application Form



Quote Hadist Shahih

"Siapa yang menempuh jalan untuk mencari ilmu, maka Allah akan mudahkan baginya jalan menuju surga "

(HR. Muslim, no. 2699)

"Kami mempelajari masalah adab itu selama 30 tahun sedangkan kami mempelajari ilmu selama 20 tahun."

Abdullah Ibnul Mubarok -rahimahullah-
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